Cigar Rollers Los Angeles

Los Angeles Cigar Rollers

Cigar Rollers Los Angeles: The Perfect Blend of Luxury and Craftsmanship

Cigar aficionados appreciate the luxurious experience of smoking a fine cigar. It’s not just about the taste, but also the ritual and the craftsmanship made famous by authentic Cuban cigar rollers.

That’s where Cigar Rollers Los Angeles comes in – a company founded by Katrina that specializes in creating beautiful and delicious hand-rolled cigars.

The History of Cigar Bella Los Angeles

At Cigar Bella, every cigar is rolled by hand using only the finest quality tobacco leaves. The art of hand-rolling cigars is a centuries-old tradition that requires skill, patience, and a keen eye for detail.

First, the tobacco leaves are selected and sorted according to their quality and flavor. Then, they are moistened and rolled into a cylinder, known as the “bunch.” The bunch is then wrapped in a tobacco leaf, known as the “binder,” and finally, the “wrapper” is added to give the cigar its finished look.

The process of hand-rolling a cigar can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the size and complexity of the cigar.

But the end result is always a cigar that is perfectly crafted and full of flavor.

The Art of Hand-Rolled Cigars

At Cigar Bella, every cigar is rolled by hand using only the finest quality tobacco leaves. The art of hand-rolling cigars is a centuries-old tradition that requires skill, patience, and a keen eye for detail.

First, the tobacco leaves are selected and sorted according to their quality and flavor.  Then, they are moistened and rolled into a cylinder, known as the “bunch.” The bunch is then wrapped in a tobacco leaf, known as the “binder,” and finally, the “wrapper” is added to give the cigar its finished look.

The process of hand-rolling a cigar can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the size and complexity of the cigar. But the end result is always a cigar that is perfectly crafted and full of flavor.

Why Choose Cigar Bella Los Angeles?

There are many reasons why cigar aficionados in Los Angeles choose Cigar Bella over other cigar companies. When you hire Cigar Bella for an event, we bring you an unforgettable experience that guests will love! Here’s what you can expect.


At Cigar Rollers Los Angeles, we use only the highest quality tobacco leaves to create each cigar. This ensures a flavorful and smooth smoking experience. Cigars are a luxury item, and having a cigar rolling station at your event adds an extra touch of elegance and sophistication.


The art of hand-rolling cigars is taken very seriously at Cigar Rollers Los Angeles. Each cigar is rolled by hand with care and attention to detail.


We offer custom options for those who want to create their own unique cigars. Customers can choose the type of tobacco leaves used, the size of the cigar, and even personalized cigar labels or custom cigar bands featuring a logo or special message.


Cigar Bella makes your event super special! You get more than just a product or service, we bring an experience – hand-rolling cigars – it’s fascinating to watch and the finished cigar is a work of art. Guests love watching the cigar rollers at work – it’s a great way to break the ice and get people talking.

Cigar rolling demonstration in Los Angeles featuring special announcement cigar bands with funny or special messages.

A cigar rolling station is a memorable addition to any event. Your guests will remember the experience for years to come. Book Cigar Bella today!

Events and Catering

Cigar Bella LA does more than roll cigars – we also offer event and catering services. Whether hosting bachelorette parties, wedding receptions, corporate events, or other private events to celebrate special occasions, we provide a unique and luxurious experience for your guests.

Our cigar rolling stations are popular for events, where guests can watch premium cigars being hand-rolled and learn about the art of making cigars. We also provide catering options for events – a variety of food and drink options, including appetizers, desserts, and specialty cocktails. We can create a custom menu that is perfect for YOUR event.

Cigar Bella - A Unique and Memorable Experience for Any Event

Cigar Bella delivers the best live cigar rolling services in LA. Our commitment to quality and craftsmanship is evident in every cigar we roll, and our event and catering services offer a unique and luxurious experience.

What Makes Cigar Bella Special?

Whether you’re a cigar aficionado looking for the perfect smoke or an event planner looking to add a touch of elegance to your next event, Cigar Bella is the perfect choice. Our dedication to the art of cigar rolling and commitment to customer satisfaction sets us apart from others.

So, if you’re looking to experience the art of hand-rolled cigars or add a touch of luxury to your next event, consider Cigar Bella. With our high-quality products and custom services, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience.

Sustainable Cigar Rolling Services

We are committed to quality and craftsmanship and use sustainable and eco-friendly practices. We source our tobacco leaves from ethical and sustainable tobacco farmers. As the demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products increases, Cigar Bella is leading the way, showing that it’s possible to create high-quality products while also being environmentally conscious.

Browse our Gallery to see more photos of events from Cigar Bella.