Cigar Rollers Austin

Austin Cigar Rollers


Cigar Rollers Austin: The Perfect Way to Add Fun and Elegance to Your Next Event

Cigars have always been a symbol of luxury, sophistication, and class. They are associated with success, wealth, and prestige. The smoking of cigars is not just a habit; it is an experience that demands attention to detail, patience, and an appreciation of the finer things in life. That’s why hiring cigar rollers for events has become so popular. One company that is leading the way in the world of cigar rollers is Cigar Rollers Austin. They offer high-quality cigars, expert rollers, and customized cigar bands that add a touch of class to any event.

Why Cigar Rollers Austin is the Best in the Business

Cigar Bella Austin has been providing top-notch cigar rolling services for over 20 years. They are a family-owned business that takes pride in their work and is passionate about the art of cigar rolling. Their team of expert rollers has extensive experience in hand-rolling cigars, which means that each cigar is unique and carefully crafted. They use only the highest quality tobacco leaves, which ensures that each cigar is flavorful, aromatic, and smooth.

The Process of Cigar Rolling

The process of cigar rolling is a work of art that requires skill, patience, and attention to detail. The process begins by selecting the right tobacco leaves, which are then moistened and sorted according to their size and quality. The roller then takes the leaves and begins to form the cigar by wrapping it around a binder leaf. The cigar is then cut to the desired size and shape, and the roller uses a small, curved knife called a chaveta to shape the cigar’s head. Finally, the cigar is placed in a mold to give it its final shape.

Cigar Rolling at Events: Adding Fun and Elegance to Any Occasion

Cigar rolling is a fantastic addition to any event, whether it’s a wedding, corporate event, or private party. The process of cigar rolling is fascinating to watch, and guests are always intrigued by the art of cigar rolling. It adds an element of class and sophistication to any event and gives guests a unique and memorable experience.

At Cigar Bella Austin, they provide everything you need to create the perfect cigar experience for your event. They offer custom cigar bands that can be designed to feature a company logo, event name, or any other custom design. The bands are an excellent way to add a personal touch to your event and make great souvenirs for guests.

The quality of the cigars provided by Cigar Bella Austin is unmatched. They offer a wide variety of cigar options, including Maduro, Connecticut, and Habano wrappers. They can also create custom blends to fit your specific taste preferences. Their cigars are perfect for both novice and experienced cigar smokers.

cigar rollers miami
Why Choose Cigar Rollers Austin for Your Next Event?

Choosing Cigar Rollers Austin for your next event is an excellent decision for several reasons. First, they offer a level of expertise and quality that is unmatched in the industry. Their team of expert rollers and high-quality cigars will impress even the most discerning guests.

Second, Cigar Rollers Austin offers flexibility, and they can accommodate events of any size, from small intimate gatherings to large-scale events with hundreds of guests.

Third, they are committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. They take pride in their work and are dedicated to providing the highest quality products and services.

Fourth, they are passionate about the art of cigar rolling and are always eager to share their knowledge and expertise with others. They believe that smoking a cigar is not just an activity; it is an experience that should be savored and enjoyed.

Finally, hiring Cigar Bella is a fun and unique way to add

a touch of elegance and sophistication to any event. Guests will be fascinated by the process of cigar rolling and will appreciate the opportunity to sample high-quality cigars. It’s a great way to create a memorable experience for your guests that they will be talking about long after the event is over.

Cigar Rolling as a Corporate Event Idea

If you’re looking for a unique and memorable way to entertain clients or employees, consider hiring Cigar Rollers Austin for your next corporate event. The process of cigar rolling is fascinating to watch, and it provides an excellent opportunity for team building and networking. Guests will appreciate the opportunity to sample high-quality cigars and will enjoy the personalized cigar bands as a souvenir of the event.

Cigar Rolling at Weddings

Cigar rolling is a popular addition to weddings, providing a unique and memorable experience for guests. It’s a great way to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the wedding reception, and it provides an excellent photo opportunity for the bride and groom. Customized cigar bands can also be designed to include the wedding date, bride and groom’s name, or any other personalized message.

Cigar Rolling at Private Parties

Cigar rolling is also an excellent addition to private parties, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or holiday parties. It’s a great way to add a touch of class and sophistication to any celebration, and guests will appreciate the opportunity to sample high-quality cigars. The personalized cigar bands also make great souvenirs for guests.

At Cigar Bella Austin, they provide everything you need to create the perfect cigar experience for your event. They offer custom cigar bands that can be designed to feature a company logo, event name, or any other custom design. The bands are an excellent way to add a personal touch to your event and make great souvenirs for guests.

The quality of the cigars provided by Cigar Bella Austin is unmatched. They offer a wide variety of cigar options, including Maduro, Connecticut, and Habano wrappers. They can also create custom blends to fit your specific taste preferences. Their cigars are perfect for both novice and experienced cigar smokers.



Cigar Rollers Austin is the perfect way to add fun and elegance to any event. Their team of expert rollers, high-quality cigars, and custom cigar bands will make your event one to remember. Whether you’re planning a wedding, corporate event, or private party, Cigar Bella can provide the perfect cigar experience. They take pride in their work and are dedicated to providing the highest quality products and services. Contact them today to learn more about their services and how they can make your next event unforgettable.

Look at our most recent events throughout our website and on our Instagram. You will not be disappointed with our services. 

Take a look at our gallery to see more photos of events from Cigar Bella Gallery


At Cigar Bella Austin, they provide everything you need to create the perfect cigar experience for your event. They offer custom cigar bands that can be designed to feature a company logo, event name, or any other custom design. The bands are an excellent way to add a personal touch to your event and make great souvenirs for guests.

The quality of the cigars provided by Cigar Bella Austin is unmatched. They offer a wide variety of cigar options, including Maduro, Connecticut, and Habano wrappers. They can also create custom blends to fit your specific taste preferences. Their cigars are perfect for both novice and experienced cigar smokers.