New Press Article for Cigar Rollers for Events in Los Angeles
Title: Cigar Rollers for Events in Los Angeles: An Interview with Cigar Bella
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
II. Cigar Bella: The Company Overview
III. The Interview
A. The Beginning of Cigar Bella
B. The Cigar Rolling Process
C. Cigars for Any Occasion
D. The Future of Cigar Bella
IV. Why Cigar Bella Stands Out
V. Final Thoughts
I. Introduction
Hosting an event in Los Angeles can be stressful, and finding the right service to make your event stand out can be a challenge. That’s where Cigar Bella comes in. Cigar Bella is a professional and skilled cigar roller service that offers a unique addition to any event. Recently, Voyage LA magazine featured Cigar Bella in an article, and we had the opportunity to interview the founder, Sandra.
In this blog post, we will dive into the article and the interview, exploring the history of Cigar Bella, the cigar rolling process, their future plans, and what sets them apart from other cigar roller services.
II. Cigar Bella: The Company Overview
Cigar Bella is a Los Angeles-based cigar roller service founded in 2014 by Katrina. Katrina has always been passionate about cigars and decided to turn her passion into a business. Cigar Bella offers a unique and personalized cigar experience for any occasion, including weddings, corporate events, birthdays, and more.
Cigar Bella’s team of professional and skilled cigar rollers takes pride in providing exceptional service to their clients. They use only the finest quality tobacco and provide fresh cigars rolled on-site. Especially cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles.
III. The Interview
A. The Beginning of Cigar Bella
In the interview, Sandra discussed the beginning of Cigar Bella and how her passion for cigars led her to start her own business. She spoke about her background in the cigar industry, and how she realized there was a need for a personalized cigar experience at events.
Katrina shared how she started with just a few events, and word of mouth quickly spread, leading to more and more clients. She attributes her success to her dedication to providing exceptional service and her team of skilled cigar rollers.
B. The Cigar Rolling Process
Katrina also discussed the cigar rolling process used by Cigar Bella. She explained that their cigars are rolled using a traditional method and are made with the finest quality tobacco. Their cigar rollers are highly skilled and take pride in the quality of the cigars they produce.
Katrina noted that their cigars are rolled on-site, ensuring that they are fresh and have the perfect balance of flavor and aroma. She also explained that they offer customized cigar bands, making the cigars a unique and memorable addition to any event. Adding cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles create a stir.
C. Cigars for Any Occasion
Cigar Bella offers their services for a wide range of events, including weddings, corporate events, and private parties. Sandra discussed how they tailor their services to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring that every event is unique and personalized.
She also noted that their cigar rollers are trained to interact with guests and educate them on the cigar rolling process. This creates an engaging and interactive experience that guests will remember for years to come.
D. The Future of Cigar Bella
Katrina shared her plans for the future of Cigar Bella, including expanding their services to include more areas in Southern California. She also mentioned the possibility of offering online sales and shipping, allowing clients to enjoy their cigars from the comfort of their own homes.
Katrina’s passion for her business and dedication to providing exceptional service is evident in her plans for the future. Her service for cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles is what makes it stand out.
IV. Why Cigar Bella Stands Out
Cigar Bella stands out from other cigar roller services due to their dedication to providing exceptional service and their personalized approach to each event. Their team of skilled cigar rollers, use of high-quality tobacco, and on-site cigar rolling process ensures that each cigar is fresh and of the highest quality.
Additionally, Cigar Bella offers customized cigar bands, creating a unique and memorable addition to any event. Their cigar rollers are also trained to interact with guests, providing an engaging and interactive experience that sets them apart from other cigar roller services.
V. Final Thoughts
Cigar Bella is a unique and exceptional cigar roller service that adds a personalized touch to any event and for cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles. Their dedication to providing exceptional service and high-quality cigars makes them stand out from other cigar roller services.
We hope this blog post has provided insight into the history of Cigar Bella, their cigar rolling process, and their plans for the future. If you’re planning an event in Los Angeles and looking for a unique addition that will leave a lasting impression on your guests, look no further than Cigar Bella.
Their personalized amazing approach ensures that each high end event is tailored to the client’s specific wants and needs, and their team of master cigar rollers are perfect for that occasion. These cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles do an out outstanding job.
If you’re interested in learning more about Cigar Bella and about cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles or booking their services for your next event, visit their website or contact them directly. We hope this article has been informative and has inspired you to consider Cigar Bella for your next event.
VI. Cigar Bella’s Future Plans for Cigar Rollers for Events in Los Angeles
As Cigar Bella continues to grow and expand their services, they have several exciting plans for the future. They are currently developing a line of hand-rolled cigars that will be available for purchase on their website. These cigars will feature the same high-quality tobacco and expert craftsmanship that their event services are known for cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles.
Cigar Bella also plans to expand their services to other major cities in the United States, including New York and Miami. They hope to bring their unique and personalized approach to cigar rolling to even more clients and events.
Additionally, Cigar Bella is committed to giving back to the community. They frequently donate their services and cigars to various charitable events, including fundraisers and charity auctions. They believe in using their skills and resources to make a positive impact on the community and are proud to support various causes. These cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles do a great job at supporting local causes.
VII. Testimonials from Satisfied Clients about Cigar Rollers for Events in Los Angeles
Cigar Bella has received numerous glowing testimonials from satisfied clients who have used their services for events. Here are a few examples:
“I hired Cigar Bella for my husband’s 50th birthday party, and they were the hit of the party. The cigar rollers were friendly and engaging, and the cigars were delicious. The customized cigar bands were a nice touch and made the event even more special. I highly recommend Cigar Bella for any event.” – Sandra T.
“We used Cigar Bella for a corporate event, and they were fantastic. The cigar rollers were professional and skilled, and they added a unique and memorable touch to the event. Our guests loved the interactive experience, and the cigars were top-notch. We will definitely use Cigar Bella again in the future.” – Michael D.
“Cigar Bella was the perfect addition to our wedding reception. The cigar rollers were friendly and personable, and they created a fun and engaging atmosphere. The customized cigar bands were a nice touch, and the cigars were the best I’ve ever had. I highly recommend Cigar Bella for any event.” – Rachel S.
VIII. Conclusion
Cigar Bella is a very unique and exceptional cigar roller service that adds a personalized touch to any sophisticated event. Their dedication is unparalleled when it comes to having cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles.
We hope this blog post has provided insight into the history of Cigar Bella, their cigar rolling process, and their plans for the future. If you’re planning an event in Los Angeles and looking for a unique addition that will leave a lasting impressive impression on your guests, look no further than Cigar Bella. These cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles are the perfect niche.
Their personalized smart approach ensures that each event is tailored to the client’s specific needs and desires, and their team of skilled master cigar rollers creates an engaging and important interactive experience for guests. Cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles are an amazing experience.
In conclusion, Cigar Bella | Cigar Rollers is a company that truly embodies passion, dedication, and exceptional service. Their unique and personalized approach to cigar rolling makes them the perfect addition to any event, and we highly recommend them to anyone looking to add a memorable special touch to their next event. These cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles are a great addition.
If you’re interested in learning more about Cigar Bella | Cigar Rollers or booking their services for your next event, visit their website or contact them directly. Cigar Rollers for events in Los Angeles are waiting for you to connect with us. We hope this article has been informative and has inspired you to consider Cigar Bella for your next event.
For more information on Cigar Bella, check out their website at
Let’s delve deeper into the interview with Katrina Kelley on Voyage LA magazine, where she discusses her journey in the cigar industry and her experiences as a female entrepreneur.
Katrina’s love for cigars started in 2010 when she worked at a cigar bar in Los Angeles. She was fascinated by the culture surrounding cigars and the art of cigar rolling. This passion led her to attend cigar events and visit cigar factories to learn more about the craft. In 2015, Katrina took her passion to the next level and founded Cigar Bella, a company that offers cigar rolling services for events in Los Angeles. Cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles was very important to her as she expanded out there.
During the interview, Katrina talks about the unique aspects of Cigar Bella’s services. She notes that every event is tailored to the client’s specific needs, ensuring that each guest has a memorable and enjoyable experience. She also highlights the personalized touch that Cigar Bella adds to every event, which sets them apart from other cigar rolling companies. The difference is that she opened cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles.
Katrina’s dedication to her craft is evident in the quality of cigars that Cigar Bella produces. She notes that they use high-quality tobacco and take the time to properly age the cigars, resulting in a smooth and flavorful smoking experience for guests. Cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles are a very important city for her.
However, Katrina also discusses the challenges she has faced as a woman in the cigar industry. She notes that the industry is male-dominated and that she has had to work hard to gain respect and recognition. Despite these challenges, Katrina has persevered and has become a respected figure in the industry. She also notes that her unique perspective as a woman has allowed her to bring something new and different to the table. She added cigar rollers for events in Los Angeles because she saw a market.
Looking to the future, Katrina shares her plans for the growth and evolution of Cigar Bella. She notes that the company is always looking for new ways to improve their services and provide unique experiences for their clients. She also hopes to inspire other women to pursue their passions and overcome any obstacles they may face as female entrepreneurs.
Overall, the interview with Katrina Kelley provides insight into the passion and dedication that she brings to her work at Cigar Bella. Her experiences as a female entrepreneur in the male-dominated cigar industry highlight the importance of perseverance and the ability to bring something new and different to the table. If you’re looking for a unique and personalized cigar rolling experience for your event in Los Angeles, Cigar Bella is definitely worth considering.
As a female entrepreneur in a male-dominated industry, Katrina has had to navigate many obstacles and challenges. In the interview, she discusses the difficulties she has faced, including the lack of recognition and respect from some of her male counterparts. However, she has not let these challenges deter her from pursuing her passion and building a successful business.
Katrina’s resilience and dedication to her craft have not gone unnoticed. In the interview, she is described as a trailblazer in the industry, paving the way for other women to pursue their passions in the cigar industry. She is also a mentor to other women entrepreneurs, providing guidance and support to help them succeed.
Katrina’s passion for cigars is contagious, and she takes pride in sharing her knowledge and expertise with others. In addition to offering cigar rolling services, Cigar Bella also provides educational workshops and tastings for those who want to learn more about cigars.
The interview also highlights the unique experiences that Cigar Bella provides for its clients. From corporate events to weddings, Cigar Bella adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to any occasion. With their personalized approach and attention to detail, they create a memorable experience for every guest.
In conclusion, the interview with Katrina Kelley on Voyage LA magazine sheds light on the passion, dedication, and challenges that come with being a female entrepreneur in the cigar industry. Katrina’s story serves as an inspiration to women who want to pursue their passions and succeed in male-dominated industries. If you’re in the Los Angeles area and looking for a unique and personalized cigar rolling experience, Cigar Bella is the perfect choice. With their high-quality cigars and personalized approach, they are sure to provide a memorable experience for you and your guests.
Voyage LA is a digital magazine that has made a name for itself by showcasing the stories of local entrepreneurs, artists, and creatives in Los Angeles. The magazine’s mission is to provide a platform for these individuals to share their unique journeys and inspire others in the community. Through their in-depth interviews and feature articles, Voyage LA has become a valuable resource for those looking to discover and connect with the vibrant creative community in Los Angeles.
One of the ways that Voyage LA accomplishes this is through their “Meet the Artist” series, where they feature interviews with local artists, musicians, and creatives. These interviews provide an intimate look at the creative process and the challenges and triumphs of pursuing a career in the arts. In addition, they have a “Meet the Business” series, which highlights local businesses and entrepreneurs who are making a positive impact in their community. This series showcases the unique business models and innovative ideas that are driving the local economy in Los Angeles.
Through their focus on local talent and unique stories, Voyage LA has become a popular source of inspiration for those looking to pursue their passions in the area. The magazine’s commitment to highlighting the stories of underrepresented groups has also made it an important voice in the community. For entrepreneurs like Katrina Kelley, being featured on Voyage LA has been a significant milestone in their journey.
Katrina is the founder and CEO of Cigar Bella, a company that provides luxury cigar services for events and private clients in Los Angeles. In her interview with Voyage LA, she shares the challenges she has faced as a female entrepreneur in a male-dominated industry, and how she has overcome these obstacles to build a successful business. She also discusses her passion for cigars and the joy she finds in sharing her knowledge and expertise with others.
Being featured in Voyage LA has provided valuable exposure and recognition for Katrina and Cigar Bella. It has allowed her to share her story and the unique experiences that Cigar Bella provides with a wider audience. The interview has also helped to solidify her reputation as a trailblazer in the cigar industry.
Overall, Voyage LA’s mission to showcase local talent and inspire others has made it a valuable resource for the creative community in Los Angeles. For entrepreneurs like Katrina, being featured in the magazine has provided a platform to share their stories and connect with a wider audience. Through their commitment to highlighting the stories of underrepresented groups and their focus on local talent, Voyage LA has become an important voice in the community and a valuable resource for those looking to pursue their passions in Los Angeles.
Check out more photos of a cigar roller for party
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