Welcome to Cigar Bella, the premier cigar roller Dallas loves! Founded by Katrina, a passionate cigar enthusiast, Cigar Bella is dedicated to preserving the artistry of hand-rolled cigars and bringing an authentic cigar smoking experience to special events.
Whether you’re hosting a wedding, corporate event, or private party in Dallas, our live hand-rolled cigar service will add a touch of sophistication and luxury to your next event.
We pride ourselves on offering a unique experience for any occasion. Here’s why we’re the premier cigar rolling service in Dallas:
Expertise: Our professional master rollers are committed to delivering the highest quality, hand-rolled cigars.
Authenticity: We use traditional methods from Cuba, ensuring that each cigar is rolled with care and precision.
Event Experience: Cigar Bella has catered to high-end weddings, corporate events, bachelor parties, and private gatherings across the city, leaving guests with cherished memories.
See our most recent events here in our Gallery and on Instagram. Our hand-rolled cigars and professional cigar servers never fail to please guests.
Our master cigar rollers bring years of expertise and passion to every event, ensuring guests receive a truly special experience. Each cigar roller demonstrates the fine art of hand-rolling cigars, captivating guests as they watch the process unfold. From cutting the tobacco and filler to rolling it with precision and finally clipping the tip, we showcase the beauty and tradition behind each cigar.
Cigar Bella also offers a Cigar Bar to allow guests to enjoy freshly rolled cigars on-site. Choose from a variety of cigar options and flavors, and even personalize the cigar bands with your brand logo or details for a custom touch.
Our cigar artists will even help guests choose the right cigar based on their taste. Cigar Bella is perfect for weddings, corporate functions, or any celebration where you want to offer an interactive and luxurious cigar experience.
For us, cigar rolling is more than a service – it’s an art form that we’re passionate about preserving. We use time-honored Cuban rolling methods. Every cigar is rolled with expert precision, ensuring a smooth draw, balanced flavor, and elegant presentation. We deliver authenticity and quality with every cigar we roll.
What sets Cigar Bella apart is our ability to create a unique and interactive experience at your event. Our cigar rollers entertain guests by rolling cigars on-site and engage with them, explaining the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of hand-rolling a cigar, and answer any questions gusts have.
We also offer personalized touches such as custom cigar bands, cigar wrappers, and unique flavors tailored to your preferences. We’re flexible and adapt to the style of your event, ensuring the experience is perfectly suited to your vision.
Our cigar roller services are perfect for various events in Dallas:
Enhance your wedding reception with a live demonstration of hand-rolling a cigar. Guests can enjoy the artistry of cigar making while taking home a personalized cigar, making for a unique keepsake they will never forget!
Bring sophistication to your corporate gathering with our Dallas cigar rollers. Seeing cigar rolling firsthan in action creates an upscale atmosphere where colleagues can relax and connect. Custom cigar bands with your company logo further enhance the experience.
Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or intimate gathering, our Dallas cigar rollers provide an interactive and luxurious experience. Attendees can watch our master cigar rollers in action and enjoy customized cigars that reflect your personal touch.
Are you ready to take your event to the next level?
Book a cigar roller from Cigar Bella. We offer flexible packages to fit your needs, and booking is easy. Simply contact us via our website or give us a call, and we’ll handle the rest. Whether it’s a small gathering or a large-scale occasion, Cigar Bella will bring elegance and artistry that everyone will love.
Absolutely! We offer a range of custom options, including personalized cigar bands, wrappers, and flavors to suit your preferences. We will work with you to create a bespoke cigar experience for your guests.
Our professional cigar rollers will set up a station and roll cigars live on-site. Guests can watch them in action, ask questions, and even receive personalized cigars. It’s a unique and interactive experience that adds luxury and entertainment to any event.
No, Cigar Bella does not sell any weed. We specialize exclusively in premium cigars and cigar roller services for events.