How to smoke a cigar | Cigar Roller
Hello there! My name is Katrina and I’m a cigar roller with a passion for smoking cigars. To me, cigar smoking is a luxurious and relaxing pastime that requires a certain degree of patience and attention to detail. In this blog, I’ll be taking you through the process of smoking a cigar, from selecting a high-quality cigar to lighting and smoking it, as well as the traditional process of rolling a fresh cigar by a cigar roller like myself. So grab a cigar and let’s get started!Cigar Preparation
Cutting the Cigar To start, the cigar needs to be cut, which can be accomplished through the use of a cigar cutter or a sharp knife. A cigar cutter, being a small device, clips off the end of the cigar and creates a neat cut. If a sharp knife is used instead, it is important to make sure the cut is clean and even, and not too much of the cap is cut, which may cause the cigar to unravel. The cap, being the rounded part at the closed end of the cigar, is the appropriate place to make the cut.Lighting the Cigar
The cigar is now ready to be lit. This can be done with the help of a butane lighter or a wooden match. The foot of the cigar, which is the end to be smoked from, should be held to the flame. A gentle puff, along with the rotation of the cigar, is recommended to ensure an even lighting. Once lit, the cigar should continue to be puffed on gently while being rotated to maintain even burning.The Art of Smoking a Cigar
When smoking a cigar, it is crucial to take your time and relish the flavor. The key to a satisfying cigar smoking experience is to smoke it slowly, drawing in the smoke, holding it in the mouth for a few seconds, and then exhaling. This allows for the full range of flavors and aromas to be tasted. A cigar roller can help that.Ashing the Cigar
As you smoke, the build-up of ash on the cigar is a normal occurrence, unless it becomes too long. In that case, the ash can be gently tapped into an ashtray.Finishing the Smoke
When the cigar has been reduced to approximately an inch, it is usually time to put it out. This can be done by either gently tapping it into an ashtray or holding it in the smoke until it goes out. A cigar roller can put it out for you.The Tradition of Rolling a Fresh Cigar
Selecting the Tobacco Leaves, the cigar roller. The selection of the tobacco leaves is the first step in the rolling process. The filler leaves, making up the bulk of the cigar, are usually a blend of different types of tobacco. The binder leaf, used to hold the filler leaves together, is usually made from a more robust type of tobacco. The wrapper leaf, covering the cigar, is usually the most delicate and flavorful leaf.Preparation and Rolling of the Leaves
Once the tobacco leaves have been selected, they are sorted and prepared for rolling. The filler leaves are bunched together and wrapped in the binder leaf. The bunched filler is then placed in the center of the wrapper leaf, and the two are rolled together to form the cigar shape. The cigar is then carefully inspected for any defects, and touch-ups are made if necessary.Art of Cigar Rolling
The art of rolling a fresh cigar is a skill that requires patience, precision, and experience. A cigar roller must have a keen eye for detail and the ability to work with delicate tobacco leaves to produce a high-quality cigar. The process of rolling a fresh cigar from a cigar roller is a combination of technique, muscle memory, and an understanding of the properties of different types of tobacco.The Tools of a Cigar Roller
A cigar roller must have a range of tools to produce a high-quality cigar, including a cigar mold, a guillotine cutter, a chaveta, a rolling board, and a bunching knife. The cigar mold is used to hold the cigar in shape while it is being rolled, the guillotine cutter is used to cut the cigar cap, the chaveta is used to smooth out the wrapper leaf, the rolling board is used to support the cigar while it is being rolled, and the bunching knife is used to shape the filler leaves.The Process of Rolling a Fresh Cigar
The process of rolling a fresh cigar involves several steps, each of which requires attention to detail and a careful approach. The tobacco leaves must be carefully selected, sorted, and prepared, the filler leaves must be bunched and wrapped in the binder leaf, and the wrapper leaf must be rolled around the filler to form the cigar shape. Once the cigar roller is complete with the cigar, it must be inspected for any defects, and touch-ups must be made if necessary. The final step in the process of rolling a fresh cigar is the aging process. The cigars must be stored in a controlled environment to allow the flavors and aromas to develop and mature. This process can take several months, and the quality of the aging process can have a significant impact on the final flavor and aroma of the cigar.The Significance of Rolling a Fresh Cigar
Rolling a fresh cigar is a time-honored tradition that has been passed down through generations of cigar makers. The process of rolling a fresh cigar is a combination of craftsmanship, patience, and precision, and it requires a deep understanding of the properties of different types of tobacco. Rolling a fresh cigar is not just a job; it is a way of life. For many cigar rollers, the process of rolling a fresh cigar is a meditative and relaxing experience that requires a certain level of focus and attention to detail. It is a form of art, and the cigar rollers who have mastered this craft are true artists. In conclusion, the experience of smoking a cigar is a luxurious and relaxing pastime that requires patience, attention to detail, and a deep appreciation for the art and tradition of cigar rolling. Whether you are a seasoned cigar smoker or a beginner, there is always something new to learn about this fascinating and flavorful world. So why not light up a cigar and enjoy the moment, savor the flavor, and take in the art and tradition of cigar rolling. Instagram: Follow Us Youtube: Follow Us