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Cigar Rolling

5 mistakes people make when hiring a cigar roller for a wedding

Hiring a cigar roller for a wedding is a great idea, and it can help enhance the experience. With that in mind, there are 5 mistakes people make when hiring a cigar roller for a wedding. And we are here to outline the mistakes, so you can avoid them. These 5 mistakes people make when hiring a cigar roller for a wedding can be tricky to identify or handle, but here’s what you should focus on!

Not performing any due diligence

Cigar Roller

One of the 5 mistakes people make when hiring a cigar roller for a wedding is to not learn more about the cigar roller. It’s always crucial to know their experience, knowledge and what they can do. With that in mind, you need to learn their services, pricing and all the details. Otherwise, it can be hard to narrow down the best options.

Sticking with a single cigar type

When you hire a cigar roller, you want to have some variety. Not caring about variety can be a problem. That’s because not everyone might want to enjoy the same type of cigar at the wedding. Variety is key for these events.

You don’t know if they educate guests or not

Another one of the 5 mistakes people make when hiring a cigar roller for a wedding is the lack of education for guests. You may hire an inexpensive roller, but they don’t educate guests. That’s an issue. You always want someone that can educate guests about cigars, not only about preparing them, but also how to use them properly.

No accessories

You will find cigar rollers that bring no accessories, while others will provide tons of accessories. That will vary from one cigar roller to the other. So you need to see what they will bring, if you have to provide your own accessories and so on.

Setting up the cigar roller’s spot anywhere

Setting up the cigar roller’s spot anywhere

That’s the thing, it’s a problem if you place the cigar roller anywhere. You want to have a designated spot for the roller. The spot should be easy to access, and close to your guests. Yet at the same time, you also don’t want to deter the experience, either.

We highly recommend learning from these 5 mistakes people make when hiring a cigar roller for a wedding. Ensure that you avoid them, and focus on enhancing the guest’s experience. After all, it comes down to you to identify the best cigar roller and ensure that your guests are happy with their cigars!

Check out more photos of a cigar roller for party Gallery

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