Logo, Cigar Rollers, California, Florida, Nevada, Texas by Cigar Bella.
Logo, Cigar Rollers, California, Florida, Nevada, Texas by Cigar Bella.

Experience Premium Cigar Rollers Live in Action with Cigar Bella

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Rolling cigars in Austin Texas by Cigar Bella.
Cigar rollers for weddings by Cigar Bella, featured in People Magazine.
Live cigar rolling demonstrations where customers can purchase premium cigars.
Cigar rollers at a gala event.
Cigar Bella, master cigar rollers in Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Miami.
Master cigar roller from Cigar Bella in action, Houston Texas.
Discover the Una, Cigar Bella artist advising customers on buying cigars.
Discover the Una, Cigar Bella artist advising customers on buying cigars.

Discover the Unmatched Luxury of Cigar Bella - Master Cigar Rollers

About Us

Cigar Bella is a company dedicated to providing a luxurious exceptional cigar experience for its clients. Our cigar rolling demonstrations are provided by highly skilled and experienced cigar rollers, masters in the industry, who are passionate about their craft. They use only the finest quality tobacco leaves and have a wealth of knowledge about the history and culture of cigars.

The on-site cigar rolling service provided by Cigar Bella is an exceptional way to experience the art of cigar rolling up close and personal. The service is available for events of all types, including corporate events, weddings, and other special occasions. Guests can ask questions and learn more about the history and culture of cigars.

cigar rollers

Live Cigar Rolling

Our cigar rolling demonstrations are provided by highly skilled and experienced cigar rollers, masters in the industry, who are passionate about their craft. They use only the finest quality tobacco leaves and have a wealth of knowledge about the history and culture of cigars.

The on-site cigar rolling service provided by Cigar Bella is an exceptional way to experience the art of cigar rolling up close and personal. The service is available for events of all types, including corporate events, weddings, and other special occasions. Guests can ask questions and learn more about the history and culture of cigars.

Book Cigar Bella for an Event

From intimate weddings and sophisticated corporate gatherings to vibrant birthday parties and upscale galas, we cater to a wide variety of events. Whether you’re planning a bachelor party, charity fundraiser, or product launch, our team brings an element of luxury and entertainment that will captivate your guests. Every occasion becomes extraordinary with the artistry and charm of live cigar rolling.

Make a date with Cigar Bella in Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, or Miami and enjoy a novel and unforgettable cigar rolling experience at your event. Watch Cigar Bella’s master cigar rollers in action on our YouTube channel.

Unwrapping the World of Cigar Rolling
Unwrapping the
World of Cigar

Live Cigar Rolling

Frequently Asked Questions

Cigar rollers are called torcedores de puros (literally, ‘twisters of cigars’, in Spanish). These skilled cigar rollers have years of training and are artists. At Cigar Bella, our torcedores bring authenticity and expertise to every event.

You can smoke a freshly rolled cigar as soon as it’s made and many aficionados like the flavor of a fresh cigar. But letting them sit for a few weeks will make them even more enjoyable to smoke.

The cost to book Cigar Bella depends on your event location, size and specific needs. We offer custom packages to fit your needs so we can tailor an experience for your guests. Contact us for a quote!

At Cigar Bella, our demonstrations are custom to your event schedule. Most are 2-4 hours long so your guests have plenty of time to participate and enjoy.

At Cigar Bella, our demonstrations are custom to your event schedule. Most are 2-4 hours long so your guests have plenty of time to participate and enjoy.

Yes, we have various cigar blends and sizes to fit different tastes. Whether your guests prefer mild, medium or full-bodied cigars, we can customize the selection to match your event’s vibe.

We provide a selection of premium hand-rolled cigars as part of the experience. The number can be adjusted based on the size of your event so every guest who wants one can have one.

For us, customization is everything. From custom cigar bands to a setup that matches your décor, we’ll make sure the experience fits your event theme and vision.

Yes, we create custom cigar bands with your logo, event name or other details. These bands are a nice touch and a keepsake for your guests.

Our setup is portable and requires minimal space – a 6 foot table and room for the cigar roller and guest interaction. We’ll work with your venue to make sure it all fits.

Yes! Whether it’s in a grand ballroom or under the stars we can adapt our cigar rolling services to your event space.